Impact Dynamics, Leader in Value Management
Impact Dynamics, Leader in Value Management

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Releasing Extraordinary Value

Our Products and Services in the Value Management Suite

Impact Dynamics has 3 value propositions within our Value Suite which can be delivered either individually or as an integrated whole, all of which are supported by the Value Management Toolset™

We deliver our services through highly collaborative Action Learning consultancy assignments, designed to deliver a clear outcome and enable clients to repeat this success independently as soon as possible as a result of skills transfer. We also offer introductory, practitioner and master level training courses which can be customised to meet client specific needs and combined with the consultancy.

Value Management

Provides the overall framework for all Impact Dynamics products and services and can also be offered separately to support any one or combination of the IMPACT Value Management framework steps (Intention, Model, Programme, Alignment, Certainty and Track). A core element is the precise quantification of causal linkage between the programme and stakeholder outcomes. The Value Management Toolset™ supports this causal approach by linking specific programme deliverables and phases to financial benefits dynamically, which enables effective prioritisation and optimal implementation by value.

Performance Management

Provides a framework, using the leading performance management Balanced Scorecard structure, within which the most critical performance measures driving value can be defined, quantified then tracked and corrective action directed most effectively. The Performance Management module of the Value Management Toolset™ is used for Value Realisation and supports the causal approach through themes which are chains of cause and effect linking measures to financial benefits.

Dynamics Modelling

Provides the means to quantify complex behaviour and increasingly critical 'intangible' factors, such as innovation, customer relationships, social networking and intellectual capital, which are usually omitted from financial business cases. Dynamics Modelling draws on Systems Thinking by defining feedback loops which account for real-world causality driving non-linear growth and collapse in value. The Value Management Toolset™ comprises a library of archetypal dynamic structures which are configured for client specific applications and used to support all other aspects the Value Management approach.